
Rosinei de Oliveira (Coelho) is from Pains, Minas Gerais. Since 2008 he directly contributes to the research work carried out in the Center, is assisting with the collections, or always welcoming us on his small farm, as would a father. A great friend, and living example that science is quite often done outside of the academic rigor.

Geílson Goes Fernandes was born in Felipe Guerra, Rio Grade do Norte. A great friend and our first guide through the caves in the west of Rio Grade do Norte. It was he who taught and still teaches us the always new and unique paths to that magical underground kingdom, which still has much to reveal.

Aloísio Castro (Dingo da Mina) is a native of Pains, Minas Gerais. Since 2008 he contributes, with Rosinei (Coelho), to the research work carried out in the center, assisting mainly in field logistics and always welcoming us to his small farm in the Distrito da Mina. Often responsible for delight during the night rest, always to the sound of great music.

Admir Brunelli (Malone) is our friend and guide through the caves of the Chapada. From Parana (Londrina), he lives in Iraquara in the Chapada Diamantina-BA, who always receives us and assists in research into the subterranean fauna of the region and surrounding areas. He is a speleologist, and has participated in many cave prospecting and mapping works in Bahia and other states.

Linda Gentry El-Dash is a professor at the Institute of Language Studies, UNICAMP. Always a friend, this speleologist, passionate about caves, has traveled with us on various expeditions, and helped us a lot with collecting cave invertebrates, especially in the state of Bahia.

Edvard Magalhães is spelunker, has training for caving Group Brasilia (from 1987) and indigenization by Funai, FNS and CTI (from 1992). Partner at Panorama Ambiental, manage surveys, inventories and speleological characterizations (biospeleology, geoespeleologia, socioeconomics, etc.) throughout Brazil.

Leda Zogbi is involved in speleology since 1992. She is an expert in cave topography and the production of digital maps. She has performed more than 250 digital maps, representing approximately 60 km of mapped conduits in Brazilian caves. She has participated in the creation of Redespeleo Brazil, where she worked during the 10 years in several activities developed by this group. She has attended to several international speleological conferences (Brazil, Greece, USA and Czech Republic) and visited caves in 10 countries besides Brazil. In 2008 she founded the Meanders speleo Club. The main focus of her work is the preservation of the Brazilian speleological heritage in order to support scientific research (geology, paleoclimate and groundwater biology).

Juliana de Abreu Pereira is Biologist by the Centro Universitário de Lavras (Unilavras) e and is also graduated in Technology in Environmental Management by the Universidade Norte do Paraná (Unopar). She is currently the technician of the Zoological collection of the CEBS/UFLA.