Finished Projects

Ecology and conservation of caves of the Juruena National Park (MT and AM).
The Juruena National Park had its Management Plan published in 2011, elaborated based on thematic diagnoses that resulted in the zoning of the Unit, the identification of conservation targets, existing and potential threats, and respective action strategies for their control. Among the specific conservation goals for this PARNA, there is the protection of natural cavities, especially in the Onça cave in the São Simão waterfall and Morcego Cave in Salto Augusto, fragile environments and diurnal shelters for bats. For that the Management Plan foresaw a strategic action of the Thematic Programme for Research and Monitoring enabling priority research focused on conservation unit (CU) management with an emphasis on natural cavities. This project aimed to survey the existing natural cavities in the Juruena National Park and surroundings, especially the Onça cave in the São Simão waterfall and Morcego Cave in Salto Augusto, in order to contribute to the implementation of programs and strategic actions in reference. Furthermore, the attributes and tourism potential of natural cavities surveyed were evaluated in terms of maintaining ecological balance and physical integrity of the cave environment. Finally, we identified any attributes that allowed to classify the cavities according to Decree No. 99.556/90 and I.N. MMA No. 2/08.