Projects in progress

Description of new species of troglobite Styloniscidae isopods of Brazil.
Among the Brazilian cave isopods those belonging to the Styloniscidae family definitely stand out. The material to be studied in this project was collected by the staff of the Center for Studies on Subterranean Biology, UFLA, in numerous caves in the Southeast, Northeast and North regions of Brazil. A reference collection of cave Isopoda Styloniscidae is being assembled. This collection will be an important record of Styloniscidae species diversity in Brazilian caves, and will support future studies of the biogeography and ecology of this important group in the country. The appendages and mouth parts of specimens examined will be dissected under a stereoscopic microscope and mounted on slides with gelatin-glycerin for subsequent analysis and illustration under an optical microscope. All illustrations made with a microscope with camera lucida will be digitalized using the CorelDraw X6 software, with the aid of a Wacon Intuos 4 Graphics Tablet. All studied species will be described in detail. We will also elaborate an identification key for all the Styloniscidae family species recorded in the caves. This key will be of great value for the knowledge and understanding of the biodiversity of the group, facilitating the work of other researchers and students that will develop research in this area.